Thursday, October 26, 2017

100WC #7

Sisterly Love

I love my sister and I'm pretty sure she loves me, but sometimes we get on each others nerves. Like this one time I was pestering her while she was talking on the phone. She said it was a friend but she wouldn't tell me who. I suspected it was a boy since she's at that age now. Being the brat that I am, I yanked the phone out of her hands and sprinted up the stairs as fast as I could. I locked myself in the bathroom with her phone. As the door slammed, I knew she was coming for me!


  1. What a great opening line as it sets the tone for your writing. Missing some commas for example after Being the brat that I am, I yanked.... also missing a comma in the prompt. Good word choice with yanked and sprinted.

  2. Hi!
    Thank you for sharing your writing with us this week.
    I really identified with your story...I had a sister just like you when I was younger! :)
    I found your writing really entertaining and I'm going to recommend it for the showcase this week, well done. :)
    Keep writing and sharing.
    Mrs Tucker (100WC Team)
    Wirral, UK.
